Can the grantor trustee and beneficiary be the same person?
Yes, the grantor, trustee, and beneficiary can be the same person in a certain kind of trust. This would be true about a revocable living trust.
In a revocable living trust, the grantor is usually the one who created this trust and is the same one who transferred the property into the trust. A trustee is an individual assigned to manage the assets within such trust to ensure enforcement according to its terms. Beneficiaries are the named individuals or entities who shall benefit from the said trusts by receiving assets or income per grantor-set terms.
Admittedly, one can occupy all three positions of a grantor, trustee, and beneficiary, especially in a revocable living trust. Up until such time that the grantor has died, he or she still maintains full control of the properties held in the revocable living trust; he or she is free to change or revoke at any given time he or she feels like doing so. This would be a case where he or she was acting both as a trustee managing the assets and as a beneficiary of those assets.
While this is legally permissible, in many cases, it is not necessarily desirable. All these roles combined in one person could mean possible conflicts of interest and less scrutiny than an independent trustee would give. Also, in some cases, the asset protection might not function as well if the same person were both the trustee and beneficiary.
This means it is very strongly advisable to take professional advice from a trust service provider in order to ensure that the trust is properly set up and achieves what is intended. One Pacific Trust provides comprehensive advice and assistance on the best structure to meet the client's needs as part of the Standardized Trust service.
In some trust arrangements, the grantor, trustee, and beneficiary are the same-namely, in a revocable living trust. Great caution is required while weighing the pros and cons to make sure such a structure meets personal objectives and legal requirements. One Pacific Trust can help clients create a trust and make informed decisions that serve them best.

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